Our inspirational sources, our partnerhips
At Kaqi, the extended company is a reality: we don’t need to be numerous within the same legal structure to bring you the right expertise, relevant and useful to your project and your team, with a light or more significant action, always adapted to your needs, challenges and means.
For us, it is also essential to provide you consulting services of the highest quality.
This is why we devote a significant portion of our turnover to professional training and to research and development.
Professional networks are an effective way to reconcile the mobilization of a forces’ and talents’ reserve, and to maintain our competences at the highest level.
Here are four of them :
The Change Leaders
It’s the network of the graduated students of the Executive MS Consulting and Coaching for Change, delivered by HEC Paris and Oxford University – Said Business School. Alexis Kummetat has been graduated in 2013.
This international network of change practitioners gathers two times a year (in Paris and in Oxford), in order to share about the change practices, and to meet experts coming from various countries and contexts.
International Association of Facilitators
Facilitating projects is one of our skills, especially when it’s important to make emerging and gathering the energies and skills of your team, small or large.
Creativity techniques, large groups facilitation, co-construction… so many practices which we develop continuously, especially during the meetings organized by the international network of the IAF.

High Reliability Organizations
Resilience Engineering
We don’t consider the human factor as the weakest link. On the contrary, this is the one which allows the resilience and the performance of all complex systems.
All the research done and related to « High Reliability Organizations » testify of this insight, as they mainly come from professional of highly sensitive contexts (health, nuclear plants, off shore, aeronautics, firefighters…)
We are very sensitive to security and collective resilience, and therefore we are regularly involved in these projects, and we share with you the results and lessons.
L’Institut de la Sociodynamique
We really value the Jean-Christian Fauvet’s insights : the “sociodynamic”, the “allies’ strategy”.. considering people for what they do, and not for what they are, managing dynamics based on contributions, trusting the stakeholders…
Since Jean-Christian Fauvet’s death, the “Institut de la Sociodynamique” fosters and develops this tradition made of beliefs, thoughts and practices, with pedagogical and training actions, and conversations between profesionnals.